Flower Power Van Cookie Jar

Evoking the spirit and essence of the epic 1960’s “Summer of Love”, this hand sculpted and hand painted “Van” Cookie Jar is loaded with detail. Offered in three different colors, with Gloss White, and Chrome accents. It features a bright, pop art flower bloom on the roof, to serve as the handle for the lid. Airbrushed rainbow striped license plates adorn both the front and rear bumpers. Earthenware clay and Food Safe glaze. Each Van is signed on the bottom. Available in Blue, Yellow, and Orange.

I have been following the artistic progress in Doug Anderson’s work for many years. Doug’s pieces are fabulously original, and precise and exacting in their workmanship… The whimsical ceramic snail that I own is a joy for me to look at each day. It is always admired too, by others who appreciate the originality of the piece. All who see it, comment on the quality and the complimentary color combination as well… I am so very happy that I finally own a Doug Anderson original!

~Elizabeth H. (Coral Gables, Fl.)

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 9H x 6W x 10D in

Yellow, Orange, Blue


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